RUCHE... my super fab, favorite, online store.....of awesomeness

>> Wednesday, November 25, 2009


So since black friday is around and everyone I mean everyone is having a sale I would love for my loyal readers to know about my favorite online store. Since I pretend that I can afford anthropologie and I buy a random scarf {on sale} there.... yah I found an even better store Called....



I almost don't even want to tell anyone about this place because you litereally have to pounce, yah I said it, pounce on the shirt, shoes, or what not right away or else its gone, or perhaps I just have uber fab. taste and everyone wants what I want. No actually its the fact that everyone has my size shoe, cough 7.5 cough cough. Yah Im that chick... the one that stands in the sale rack knowing that they have in it a 10 or 5 but not 8-6, yes Ive been known to jam my foot in shoes that size, okay TMI!!!


So now that I got you so excited and curious, go check them out!!! oh and here's another fun secret!


go check THEM out


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