Newborns :: Orlando Newborn Photographer

>> Wednesday, October 28, 2009

So I have this thing for little kids, I like them I like to watch them, put words in there mouth like, "wutterdo" and "nom nom nom" Yes Im one of those people.. Heck I even think I turned my boyfriend into one. But they just LOVE mark. I think its his bald head. Its like he is their leader or they feel connected in some way. Either way they sure like to look at him.. Thats when he will say "wutterdo baby" or something randomly cute. So any day that I get to hang out with a baby I just love it.

She was a dream to photograph. All she wanted to do was sleep. It was great. I did caught her awake, only a few times tho. She didn't mind whenever I moved her. Nope not at all. She was so good to me and we got some great pictures of her. I photographed her older brother on the same, zebra ottoman. She has so much more hair that he did!! They tell me that she is bigger than Him but I beg to differ. Either way she is just the littlest sweet pea eva! Sooo easy going!

So now you want to get newborn pictures taken of your baby, here are a few things to keep in mind::

1.} It's never too early to book a newborn session:: Call me when the stork drops off your little bundle.
2.} I prefer to photograph your baby around 6 days old.
3.} Newborn sessions can last up to three hours, there's plenty of time for feedings and soothing.
4.} I try to use as much natural light as possible.
5.} I can come to your house.
6.} They look perfect in their birthday suits. This shows off their size and simplicity.
7.} Bring a blanket that you don't mind getting a little damp :)
8.} Babies like it hot. So keep the air turned off please
9.} I have a few hats but you can find cute hats, wraps, and other awesome things online at
10.} Find a few plain diapers
11.} simple white, lite pink or blue onesies are great as well as ruffled diaper covers.

***** The hat in the photos are from Heather Bauers, Her esty site is

Just remember to plan your hats and other accessories WELL in advance because they are all hand made!


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