You know those days where you just want to listen to your music... Mine I swear is incredible. Inspiring and Im pretty sure Mark thinks its Uber girly.... greys anatomy type I suppose. But thats my genra.. Im just talking about being completely relaxed, calm, and happy. I occasionally get flustered, and stressed about building my business, while working somewhere else and it just gets so frustrating sometimes. Picture me with my head in a pillow streaming....yahhhh. So its great to have the relaxing days where your ears are happy! Thank god for Pandora. It has just opened up so many artist and my favorite artist as well!!! I just love it! So Whenever I edit pictures I jam out. I swear it makes for such better picture editing. With my pups at my feet, coffee {iced or hott} and I can crank out some beautiful touch-up/enhansments! It just makes me happy. Music can put me in great moods and moods that just make me fall back in love, be thankful, and inspiring!
So Im thankful today. I love where we live, I love that its on the first floor! Thats HUGE for me! I have the BEST clients, Greatest Friends ever and the most amazing boyfriend. I don't think he reads my blogs, or else he'd tell me about all my typos. yes I write like I talk and I don't try and correct myself too much. He is one of the most amazing people in the world. I promise! The nicest, kindest, most loving guy ever. oh and he's mine! Sometimes I think he's crazy to put up with my rambling, crazy ideas. But I've never met anyone so supportive. You know the puzzle pieces that fit so nicely together, the ones that don't wiggle, that don't fight thats us. We just fit together, huge dorks. but happy dorks none the less. When we first started dating everyone, Every single person that knew him would say how happy he was because he was just the nicest person. All I wanted was someone nice! Its very important. He has the best sense of humor {however he'd prob be like Kim I think they get it} But I just wanted to say Mr. Mitchell if you are reading this come up and tell me you wish you were a cool dolphins fan! Lol he would never say that.... okay say you Hate Cheesecake! Ill know somethings up!

this is us in our normal sunday gear! Yes rivals Go Dolphins!!! Boo Jets!
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