Head shots are over rated.... lets hang out with ducks!
>> Thursday, March 19, 2009
Miss Maia Should have her own blog on my website! She's so cute and a regular! Children need their head shots up dated regularly and that's just what we did. We went to Down town Celebration Florida. and took some amazing portraits. She was on. We could have literally been done in 36 mins. Yes I timed it!!! I was so impressed!!! We also got some great pictures of her with mom!!! I put those first! Tell me how identical they are or what!!! Maia Also has what I would love to refer to as the smiling eyes! She just lights up her whole face with a good ole smile. It literally makes or breaks a picture. So really think about smiling with your eyes when taking pictures!! Be like a four year old and you will get great pictures!!

Yes check out the tire swing action!! I love it when they are having fun and being their selfs in front of the camera. It's always intresting to see what they are going to do and where they are going!

My favorite ottoman ever!! Its so me! I just love it and Im getting another one!!! Great posing aid as well!!!

Miss Maia was investigating a duck. By the way [btw] ducks do amazing things when they wiggle there butts! I promise...

She always looks great with the bricks in the background. But seriously I had a million other sneak peeks shots that I wanted to put up!!!
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