Family Reunion
>> Thursday, March 26, 2009
....Family Reunions... They are great!! I love it!! Its always fun to meet family members and to see how they react around one another. The little kids who always find a way to play no matter what. To the Mom's that have such great stories to tell. Dad's wishing they were watching sports and talking sports too Grandparent that just watch over their whole families. I love the dynamics of a family... I know that every family is different in their own way and its always fun to see how they relate. So when you get ready to take your family reunion photo shoots remember these few simple steps:
1.) Plan your time accordingly:
- Its prob. going to take longer than you expect so feed the little kids or have snacks on hand {even for the big kids i.e. the dads} The bet time to shoot is late afternoon, around 4:00.
2.) Must have shots:
Have a list of shots you want and a person to a point and delicate the shots. I always like to get groups together and do a standard shot and then create a few creative shots really quick. So yes there will be some waiting but you will get such great picture!!! Remember I unfortunately can't read your mind and this way we can get it done asap!
3.) What to wear:
The rule of thumb is too always be comfortable. I love to see when families take a monochromatic approach. The idea is that you take blues and do different shade of them, light blue, dark blue, teal. Then if you have a really big family you can add in cool tones. such as greens. Like light green, dark green, lime green and from their you can even add purples. If you stick with the same color family it always look well put together with out it looking too matchy matchy. {yes that' a word} A good rule of thumb is to stay away from logos!! they are no bueno.

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