Premium Albums
>> Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Premium Albums:
Flush mount albums with attitude. Exquisite quality combined with fabulous leathers and upgrade options. Albums that will last a lifetime. Pages are thick approximately 1/16th of an inch. Sizes avaliable from 3x3 to 14x14. Here are a few designs and too tone combos:

-single tones only
-no cover imprinting
-cover image can be cut-outs only
-4-6 weeks production
[above] Magical Mystery Glass: Muted and murky or dark and bronzy, put a little mystery into your cover image, and give 'em just enough to make 'em want to take a look inside to see what's really there. A truly magical look in a non-breakable plexiglass.
-sizes 8x10 and up
-no cover imprinting
-choice of leather spine & back
-square, soft spine only
-standard or thin page styles
-no imprinting [inside or out]
-6-7 week production
[above] Armour: Armour is a printed metal cover upgrade option that is tough, durable and positively delightful. It's extra thick to prevent dings and dents and finished with a protective coating for a scratch-free, long lasting permanence.
-sizes 8x10 and up
-choice of leather spine and back
-square, soft spine only
- no cover imprinting
-standard or thin page styles
-5-7 week production time
-cover option will be determined by the photographer
[best black and white, monochromatic sepia and muted tone images]

- sizes 8x10 and up
- square, soft spine
- standard or thin pages styles
- standard or metallic canvas choices
- choice of satin or gloss finish on standard canvas
- no cover imprinting
-5-7 week production time
- lighter based color images work best!
[above] ICE : ice is a cover with a metallic print bonded to a piece of sturdy, clear acrylic. It differs from the magical mystery glass where the print is mounted to the base page underneath the plexiglass.
- sizes 8x10 and up
- choice of leather spine and back
- square, soft spine only
- standard or thin page styles
- no cover imprinting
- 5-7 week production time
Cover Cut-Outs VS. Indentations
cut-outs are the traditional option for an album cover where a window is cut out of the cover material and the cover prints are slipped in underneath
cover indentions are a modern way of presenting a cover image where the indentation is about [1/32nd of and inch deep] is pressed into the cover material and the image is placed flat in the indentation and set in place. - not available on all materials and cover designs.
As part of the page styling package, you have your choice of ultra thin, magazine style pages or our standard pages. Your choice of page style can be a majoring factor when you start to consider the number of pages in your album.
albums over 11x14 or the a capacity exceeding 20 leaves/40 sides will look better when built with magazine style pages. There is less overall weight, less stress on the spine and are generally easier to handle.
There is absolutely no difference in page quality with regards to the printing as both page styles are printed on quality with regards to the printing as both page styles are printed on quality photographic paper. the only difference is the actual page thickness
-approx. 1/16th" thick -magazine styling
-very stable -very flexible
-rounded page corners -square page corners
-cut or crease styles -creased style only
-traditional styling -modern & trendy
-black fly page & liner -white fly page & Liner
-min 10 leaves -min. 10 leaves
-max. 32 leaves -max. 50 leaves
-best choice for books under 15 leaves -best choice for books that exceed 20 leaves
This is an option that is more of personal style and look but can limit some of your other choices
Creased print style is preferred by many who would rather that 'panoramic' look while cut print is a tired and true classic standard.
Creased prints, however, are a MUST if you are working with magazine style, thin pages.
This is not really a choice as it is dependent on your page style option. It is important to know, however, that if you prefer one style over the other, this may limit your page style choice and in some cases your spine style option as well.
-slightly rounded -squared corners
-available with the round or square spines -only available with the square, soft spine
-less likely to damage -extra care needed when handling corners
-tends to stay fresh looking longer -clean, modern look
-only available on the standard page style -only available with the thin page style
-more traditional -more modern
-lightly padded cover -flexible spine
-standard pages -unpadded cover
-round corners -thin or standard pages
-very stable -square or round corners [depends on page style choice]
-perfect alignments -more flexible
-no dips -only option for specialty covers
-no movement [armour, ICE, Canvas, Magical Mystery Glass]
-not available on specialty covers
8x8/8x10 album start at $850.oo with 15 leaves/30 pages
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